Za naše drage Hokejaše HDD Olimpija Ljubljana smo poskrbeli z vitamini do konca te sezone 2016/17 ! + DERBY banana = RASTODER d.o.o., Skupaj do novih zmag !
Banana DERBY® is one of the leading brands on the international and domestic market ! More info in our web site :
petek, 26. februar 2016
HDD Olimpija Ljubljana + DERBY banana = Skupaj do novih zmag !
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HDD Olimpija Ljubljana in derby banane,
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Ljubljana, Slovenija
četrtek, 25. februar 2016
sreda, 24. februar 2016
Liga prvakov (UEFA), se v sezonah 2015/16, 2016/17 in 2017/18 vrača na Kanal A. by derby banana
Liga prvakov, nogometni spektakel najprestižnejšega klubskega tekmovanja v organizaciji. Evropske nogometne zveze (UEFA), se v sezonah 2015/16, 2016/17 in 2017/18 vrača na Kanal A. ( vsak torek in vsako )
četrtek, 18. februar 2016
MAKING OF | Exclusive Interview With Mr . Izet Rastoder ( DERBY Banana ) by legendary journalist Goran Milić in September 2016 on Al Jazeera Balkans
MAKING OF | Exclusive Interview With Mr . Izet Rastoder ( DERBY Banana ) by legendary journalist Goran Milić in September 2016 on Al Jazeera Balkans
četrtek, 11. februar 2016
Okrivanje raka s pomočjo banan !
Okrivanje raka s pomočjo banan
Črne pike na olupkih banan bi lahko pomagale k hitrejšemu odkritju kožnega raka in s tem povečale možnosti preživetja, kažejo ugotovitve ekipe znanstvenikov iz Švice. Ta je izdelala skener za raka, ki so ga že testirali na bananinih olupkih in človeškem tkivu.
Ko banane dozorijo, njihove olupke prekrijejo majhne, okrogle črne pike, ki jih povzroča encim tirozinaza. Ta encim je prisoten tudi na človeški koži, pri ljudeh, ki trpijo za posebej agresivno obliko kožnega raka, melanomom, pa se pojavlja v večjih količinah.
Ekipa znanstvenikov iz laboratorija za fizično in analitično elektrokemijo v Švici je na podlagi tega izdelala skener za raka, ki so ga naprej testirali na olupkih banan, nato pa še na človeškem tkivu.
Znanstveniki so ugotovili, da je omenjeni encim zanesljiv pokazatelj za rast melanoma. V najbolj zgodnji, prvi fazi raka, ta encim namreč ni zelo očiten, nato pa se v drugi fazi zelo razširi in enakovredno porazdeli, v tretji fazi pa se razporedi neenakomerno - v tej fazi se rak že začne širiti v druge dele telesa.
Ekipa je nato oblikovala skener in ga testirala na črnih pikah bananinih olupkov, ki so približno enake velikosti kot pike melanoma na človekovi koži. "Diagnostično metodo smo uspeli razviti in testirati z delom na sadju, preden smo prešli na človeško tkivo," je poudaril vodja ekipe Huber Girault.
Skener ima osem fleksibilnih mikroelektrod, ki so razvrščene kot zobje glavnika. Te prečkajo kožo in pri tem izmerijo količino in razporeditev tirozinaze. Kot so poudarili v znanstveni ekipi, bi se lahkos tem skenerjem izognili invazivnim testom, kot so biopsije.
Vodja ekipe je ob tem izrazil prepričanje, da bi skener nekega dne lahko uporabili tudi za uničevanje tumorjev, s čimer bi morebiti lahko tako biopsija kot kemoterapija nekoč postali nepotrebni. "Prvi laboratorijski testi nam kažejo, da bi našo napravo lahko uporabili za uničevanje celic," je poudaril Girault.
torek, 9. februar 2016
FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016 - REPORT : 70,000 Visitors from over 130 countries ! See you year 8-10 February 2017
REPORT FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016: Special milestone
More than 70,000 high-profile trade visitors from over 130 countries – Largest industry event in the history of the fresh produce trade –
A unique global event for the fresh produce industry was experienced in Berlin on 3-5 February 2016 by more than 70,000 trade visitors from over 130 countries.
According to Messe Berlin CEO Dr. Christian Göke, "FRUIT LOGISTICA marked a special milestone this year with an unprecedented 70,000 trade visitors. We are delighted by the new attendance record as well as by the high intensity of business and professional networking. The international scope of this event could be experienced in a very unique way."
Some 2,891 exhibitors from 84 countries presented a complete market overview of the fresh produce industry. Along with the many oppor¬tunities to initiate and conclude business transactions, the global attention attracted by the trade fair was especially important to exhibitors. The high level of innovative strength in the sector was clearly demonstrated by no less than 27 world premieres.
FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award 2016
World's Coconut Trading from Spain is the winner of the FRUIT LOGISITICA Innovation Award 2016 for its organic Genuine Coconut. Genuine Coconut comes with a patented seal and straw, and is a simple, genuinely refreshing coconut water drink with minerals and a high nutritional value.
Visitors at FRUIT LOGISTICA chose the Northern Greens Kitchen Minis tomato from Denmark as the competition's runner-up. This small, compact and visually attractive cherry tomato plant produces up to 150 fruits in all seasons and grows to only between 9 and 11 centimetres wide and 35 centimetres high. The tomatoes weigh just eight to ten grams.Enjoya, a yellow/red striped pepper grown by the Dutch enterprise Terra Natura International, was chosen as the third-best entry. Enjoya has an aromatic and tangy flavour and contains lots of vitamin C.
For the first time the jury also presented a special award, which went to Stoffels from Belgium for its Automato tomato vending machine. Different-coloured cherry tomato varieties are dispensed from three boxes directly into a paper bag.
Logistics Hub enjoys successful debut
Logistics Hub was a new series of events this year presented in Hall B of FRUIT LOGISTICA. The sessions addressed ten current issues relating to the logistics chain. The well-attended sessions and positive feedback from trade visitors confirmed the growing importance of logistics in the industry. Logistics Hub enabled producers, exporters and traders to find the information they need to help them take the right logistic decisions when it comes to transporting their goods.
Exhibitors and trade visitors highly satisfied
Altogether, 89% of the exhibitors reported a positive overall impression of this year's FRUIT LOGISTICA.
The three days of FRUIT LOGISTICA set the course for the success of the entire business year. For example, 45.7% of all exhibitors received new orders at the trade fair. Furthermore, 91% of the exhibitors anticipate positive business results following the trade fair.
Key objectives for exhibitors at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016 included presenting their company, developing new business and strengthening existing customer ties. 91.3% of exhibitors said that their participation at the trade fair had a positive impact on business.
FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016 was attended by top-level decision-makers from all over the world. 82% of the trade visitors were from outside of Germany. Nearly two thirds of the 70,000 trade visitors were from the EU, 9% from other European countries, 12% from North, South and Central America, 8% from Africa, 5% from the Middle East and 3% from Asia. The level of decision makers among the trade visitors remained high. Some three quarters of the trade visitors hold senior positions in their companies.
The biggest trade visitor groups were fruit and vegetable growers, representatives from import/export businesses, followed by representatives from the wholesale and retail trade.
A vast majority of trade visitors plan to attend again (90%), and they show a high level of willingness to recommend the trade fair to others (96%). This can be attributed to the fact that 98% of trade visitors gave a positive assessment of their business results at the event. 80.8% were able to establish new business contacts, and 38.5% concluded business deals during the trade fair. Around three fourths of the trade visitors anticipate follow-up negotiations and business transactions as a result of the contacts made at the trade event.
FRUIT LOGISTICA was organised by Messe Berlin GmbH in cooperation with Fruchthandel Magazine. The next FRUIT LOGISTICA will take place on 8-10 February 2017.
Statements by exhibitors about FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016
Marco Salvi, President of Fruitimprese:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA offers Italian agricultural growers the great opportunity to meet their customers and suppliers from around the world and to make plans for the entire year – all in just three days. A large share of our business transactions are conducted at FRUIT LOGISTICA, since this is where all our customers are. I think we could assume a good 50%."
Jorge Souza, Institutional Affairs Director, Abrafrutas:
"We were able to introduce our new branding 'Frutas do Brasil' here this year, which was exceptionally well received. Our exhibitors all reported even better business results than last year."
Bettina Stengel, Director, Trade Commission of Chile in Germany:
"There was a lot more activity at our joint stand compared to last year. We are truly delighted."
Efi Athanasiadou, Head of the Commercial Division, Cyprian Embassy:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA is the most important trade event for the Cypriot agricultural sector. We're seeing strong demand, particularly from the Near and Middle East as well as from the rest of Asia."
Maartje Driessens, Business Development Manager, Antwerp Port Authority:
"For us, FRUIT LOGISTICA is the most important meeting place for fresh produce. This is where we have a chance to speak to decision-makers from around the globe."
Gert Mulder, Director, Groenten Fruit Huis:
"For us, the FRUIT LOGISTICA is the sector's most important global gathering place. Our greatest success lies in the fact that the Netherlands has an entire hall for its trade fair appearance."
Anthony Sikpa, President, Federation of Associations of Ghanaian Exporters (FAGE):
"FRUIT LOGISTICA is the display window for our agricultural products. Up to now, our main markets were in Europe and the Middle East. This year we are experiencing much more interest from Russia."
Deborah Meidan, Marcom Manager, StePac fresh produce packaging:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA is an excellent trade event where we can meet all of our customers. It's an exciting fair."
Gonçalo Andrade, Vice-president and CEO Portugal Fresh:
"We were visited on Wednesday by the Agriculture Minister and the Undersecretary for Agriculture and Nutrition. The Prime Minister came to see us on Friday. These visits send a signal as a way for politicians to recognise the good work our association has been doing as well as that of this global trade fair. FRUIT LOGISTICA is the most important event in the fresh produce industry. People believe in events like these."
Walter Ojeda, Sales Manager San Miguel, a member company of All Lemon:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA is as important as the World Cup for citrus growers like us. You simply have to take part."
Steven van Paassen, Specialist Communications, Rijk Zwaan BV:
"This was the smoothest-running and most relaxed FRUIT LOGISTICA ever for us. We had time and an opportunity to have important conversations in a pleasant atmosphere. This is where you meet many associates you normally never get to see."
Henrik Fürbach, Marketing and Communication Manager Northwestern Europe, Maersk Line:
"We conducted some very high-quality discussions here."
Angelo Benedetti, CEO, Unitec S.p.A:
"We received many more visitors than in previous years. The number of foreign reporters has also increased."
Alexander Biechteler, Technical Sales/Applied Technology, ULMA Packaging:
"We have had far more visitors who want to specifically use our services."
Dr. Christian Weseloh, Managing Director, German Association of Fruit and Vegetable Growers:
"All the exhibitors from Germany's growers' organisations are very satisfied with FRUIT LOGISTICA. This year's fair was also extremely well attended."
Mario Slunitschek, Senior Vice President EDEKA Fruchtkontor:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016 was once again a wonderful platform for establishing and maintaining contacts with suppliers."
Ali Eissa, President of the Agricultural Division of the Egypt Expo and Convention Authority:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA is the year's most important international trade fair. Traders, purchasers, packaging suppliers, service providers and even our bankers all come here. On these three days we get to see everyone we are working with. This makes the trade fair very important for us."
Maarten van den Heuvel, Marketing & Sales Manager Tomato North West Europe, Enza Zaden:
"It's like meeting the whole world here in Berlin. The trade fair is extremely efficient. In just three days, we see the right combination of existing customers and potential new contacts. And there are more every year."
Jürgen Boruszewski, Managing Director, Cobana Fruchtring GmbH & Co. KG:
"FRUIT LOGISTICA is increasingly becoming the world's leading future-focused trade fair for the fresh produce industry. The discussions focus on ideas, concepts and structures. The outcome of these talks shape the entire industry."
Xavier Roussel, Vice President Marketing & CSR, Dole Food Company:
"Once again, FRUIT LOGISTICA has proved to be a main meeting place for the industry."
Francesco Ruggia, Managing Director, Retilplast S.r.l.:
"We've been coming to the FRUIT LOGISTICA for the last ten years. It gives us an opportunity to meet customers from around the globe. That saves us long trips and therefore time."
Christian Korte, Vice President Industry, Bizerba:
"This year's FRUIT LOGISTICA was very successful for us."
Florian Stockert, Sales Director Containerboard, Mondi Europe & International:
"As a paper manufacturer, FRUIT LOGISTICA gives us an opportunity to present innovations in paper-based packaging for fruit and vegetables and find out about the needs of our customers, packaging manufacturers and their end customers, for instance fruit and vegetable growers."
derby banana,
derby bananas,
derby banane,
derby stand,
edis rastoder,
messe berlin,
rastoder stand
Berlin, Nemčija
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