They are sweeter than the yellow ones and have a taste similar to raspberry. This incredible fruit is high in calories and contains nearly 11 minerals and 6 vitamins. Also, known as Red Dacca banana, they are a great source of fiber as well. This delicious fruit has many other health benefits.
Read On To Know The Top 15 Health Benefits Of Having Red Bananas:
Provides Instant Energy:
Red bananas can provide you with an instant boost of energy and this is why often sportsperson eat red bananas at regular intervals. They contain natural sugars which provide a quick boost of energy and consuming one red banana daily in the morning will keep you energized for the whole day.

Protects From Free Radical Damage:
Red banana contains a good dose of vitamin C and antioxidants that keep free radical damage at bay. Consuming one red banana regularly can enhance your metabolism rate and strengthen your immune system. Few studies have mentioned that one red banana can provide at least 20 % daily dose of vitamin C and hence people who don’t prefer citrus fruits can start eating a red banana regularly.

Eases Constipation:
The red banana provides a healthy dose of dietary fiber. People who consume at least one red banana regularly can get at least 16% of the recommended daily dose of fiber which is essential for maintaining regular bowel movements. People who have constipation problems can consume one red banana regularly for getting rid of such problems.

To Put Down Weight:
Consuming red banana regularly can provide you with a good dose of fiber and nutrients. It keeps you full for a longer period without actually increasing your calorie intake. It doesn’t contain any fats as well and is considered as a satiety food.

Prevents Anemia:
Red bananas are a great source of antioxidants and nutrients and consuming them can help in increasing your hemoglobin count as well as the quality of the blood flowing in your body. Red banana contains Vitamin B6 which is essential for the formation of RBC and also for transforming tryptophan to the hormone serotonin. Lack of vitamin B6 can lead to anemia. So, doctors recommend red bananas for patients suffering from anemia and other such disorders.

Prevents The Formation Of Kidney Stones:
Red banana is a good source of potassium, a mineral which is essential for preventing the formation of kidney stones. It also helps in improving the bone health by calcium retention. Hence, for proper development of bones and for preventing kidney stones, you need to consume red banana regularly.

For Healthy Hair:
Red banana is a great source of nutrients. Hence, consuming it regularly or including it in your hair mask recipes helps in promoting hair growth.

Helps Quit Smoking:
Nutrients such as vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin C, potassium in a red banana can help in dealing with the after effects that are associated with quitting smoking. The magnesium and the potassium content in this super fruit help the body to recover from the sudden withdrawal of nicotine.

Treats Piles:
Piles which are caused due to IBS and chronic constipation can be cured by consuming red bananas regularly. The good dose of fiber present in red banana helps in enhancing digestion as well as treating constipation. Kids who suffer from chronic constipation can consume red bananas regularly as it acts as a natural laxative which treats this condition effectively

Treats Heartburn:
Red bananas are known to have an antacid effect which can help in treating patients who often experience heartburn. So, they need to consume red bananas regularly for a month or two to get completely relieved from heartburn problems.

Busts Stress:
Red bananas contain a good dose of potassium and consuming it regularly can help provide your body with a good amount of potassium which might get exhausted at times when you are extremely tensed. The natural sugars and fiber in red bananas provide you with a good dose of energy and can instantly boost your energy levels. Also, the tryptophan protein in red banana is converted to serotonin, a hormone which is essential to keep you happy and relaxed.

For Healthy Eyes:
Red bananas also contain fat soluble Vitamin A which is essential for healthy eyes. So, consume red banana regularly to improve your vision.

For Ulcers:
Red bananas help in promoting cellular growth within the inner lining of the stomach and helps prevent ulcers. Also, they contain protease inhibitors which help flush out the bacteria that is responsible for ulcers.

Good For Skin:
Red banana contains vitamin C and other nutrients. Consuming it regularly or applying it topically can benefit your skin.

Treats Morning Sickness:
Morning sickness is common among pregnant women. Having a red banana can help in keeping your blood sugar levels in check and prevents morning sickness.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about banana benefits. Please keep sharing.
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